Academic Discipline – Surendranath Evening College
Academic Discipline
In addition to the normal conduct and discipline the behavioral pattern of each and every student is expected to be modest.
Irregular attendance, unexplained absence, habitual late comings, disobedience or misbehavior is being rectified through continuous monitoring cell.
Consciousness about the college property is nurtured by the monitoring cell.
Parents or guardians are called upon to inform them regarding the poor attendance, poor performance of their sons and daughters.
The use of unfair means in examination invites expulsion from the said examination.
In case a student has any special kind of illness/ailment/disease the guardians must bring the same to the notice of the college authority with medical certificate.
Each and every teacher as well as student is expected to conduct himself/herself with dignity and maintain decorum and decency regarding wearing of dresses, gossiping, and behaviors. Due respect is expected to be given not only to the members of teaching/non-teaching family members of the college but also to the students.
Students are expected to observe silence and tranquility in the library as well as when walking down the corridors (especially when classes are going on). They are not allowed to loiter or make crowded gossiping in the corridors or stand talking here and there.
Chewing of tobacco/Khaini/Pan Prag in any form/smoking in any corner in the college campus is strictly prohibited. Offenders deserve to be rebuked as well as disciplinary actions are to be imposed.
Spitting inside the class/corridors/steps and in any corner of the college building and writing in the walls is subject to heavy penalty.
Students must be present in their respective classes immediately after the bell rings at the beginning of each class. Each and every student has to respond to the teachers’ roll calls in each and every class. Students must not disturb the teachers while classes are on. They must not enter or leave the class without the permission of the teacher concerned.
Classroom/library/laboratory equipments and furniture must be treated gently and with care.