The English department consists of two teachers in substantive posts, Mr. Debopriyo Sanyal and Dr. Saubhik Datta, one SACT (State Aided College Teacher), Mr. Arghya Tarafder, and two guest lecturers, Mr. Debanjan Dutta and Mr. Saugata Biswas. Since the introduction of Honours as a curriculum in 2007, all the teachers have inspired the students, mostly first generation learners, to acquire some competence in the English language and in some cases to proceed to pursue post graduate studies.

Mr. Debopriyo Sanyal and Dr. Saubhik Datta have as their field of expertise, Modern and Post-Modern Studies, Critical Theory, Shakespeare and Translation Studies and the Literature of the Restoration Period. Mr. Arghya Tarafder has worked extensively on Post-Colonial Theory and the Cultural History of the First World War from an Indian perspective. The combined knowledge of the teachers, as elucidated above, ensures effective coverage of the undergraduate syllabus and even opens windows to the students for further research.

Courses presently being taught under the aegis of CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) Framework introduced by the UGC (University Grant’s Commission) in 2018 are:
(i) 3 Year (6 semester) B.A. (Honours) course in English
(ii) 3 Year (6 semester) B.A. (General) course in English
CBCS syllabus (for first two semesters) for courses (i) and (ii) above:
Courses presently being taught under the aegis of the Curriculum and Credit Framework (CCF) of the New Education Policy (NEP), introduced from the session 2023-24 are:
(i) 4-year (8 semester) Major course in English with/without Research and with exit option
(ii) 3-Year (6 semester) MDC (Multi Disciplinary Course) with English and with exit option
(iii) One semester IDC (Inter Disciplinary Course) as a subject of choice
(iv) Two semesters AEC (Ability Enhancement Course) as a compulsory paper
NEP CCF syllabus (for first two semesters) for the above listed courses:
Students pursuing English Honours or Major can also choose to have any one subject from a pool of other arts subjects, as a secondary minor or general subject.
All the courses have been running successfully till date.
Sem 1 MDC IDC and SEC Tutorial assignments
Sem 3 MDC IDC and SEC Tutorial assignments
Sem 5 General DSEA1 DSEA2 and LCC Tutorial assignments
Watch Prof. Debapriyo Sanyal discussing Wuthering Heights with Semester-V students
(Use of headphones recommended)
Notice for Soft Skills Workshop
Poster for Soft Skills Workshop
Add-on courses: